Learning Loss Plan
Section 98c
The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) opened the application for school districts to apply for Section 98c funds to address learning loss. Section 98c appropriates federal funding to address learning loss as part of the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund and part of the federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) II Fund. The funds were made available through Public Act (PA) 144 of 2022. By October 30, 2022, at a public board meeting, a presentation will be provided on how funding received under section 98c will be used to address learning loss. A brief description of the Learning Loss Plan is explained below:
River Rouge School District Learning Loss Plan
River Rouge School District is committed to improving students' learning, which has been negatively impacted by the loss of instructional time during the pandemic. However, we recognize that recovering that learning will require a researched-based approach to increasing learning time and improving learning experiences. Therefore, in collaboration with school stakeholders, the River Rouge School District has developed a 3-year MICIP Plan for supporting learning loss designed to accelerate learning and combine high-impact interventions and evidence-based instructional strategies.
Stakeholders input produced the following priorities for the use of these ESSER funds:
1. Provide a guaranteed and viable curriculum (research of Dr. Robert Marzano) by purchasing quality instructional/social-emotional materials aligned with Michigan State Standards and Social Emotional Learning Standards and supported with technology-based resources.
2. Expand support, participation, and resources for extracurricular and elective course experiences.
3. Provide additional student learning experiences during the school day, summer, before and after school.
4. Provide resources for student academic/behavioral interventions and accommodations.
5. Provide assessments for progress monitoring.
6. Improve student behavior and mental health through increased focus/resources toward improving health, wellness, and fitness
7. Provide professional staff development opportunities to improve the fidelity of implementing the above action steps.
8. Expand technology resources for the classroom.
9. Support educators and staff stability and well-being.
10. Engage parents in meaningful involvement during our District Continuous Improvement Team meetings through surveys, conferences, and strategic planning focus groups.
Section 98c Intervention and Metrics
1. River Rouge School District services will provide and fund with 98c grant dollars the following programs and evidence-based intervention programs and initiatives:
- Summer School programming targeted towards students who are at risk PreK-12.
- Targeted interventions during school to address learning loss with students, including those at-risk or behind grade-level PreK-12 in Reading and Mathematics.
- Tutoring sessions are offered before, during, and after school PreK-12.
2. Metrics used to assess the impact on learning loss include
- NWEA interim assessment data- Fall, Winter, and Spring Assessment Data
- DIBELS interim assessment data- Fall and Spring Assessment Data (Elementary)
- Locally developed assessments
- State summative testing assessment data-Spring
Monitoring Plan
Educators in the River Rouge School District will use diagnostic assessments (formative, interim, and summative data) to identify students' specific knowledge, skills, and understanding. In addition, our ESSER funds' will be monitored and assessed for effectiveness on an ongoing basis by school stakeholders.
Spending Plan
The following list includes the required reportable categories that River Rouge School District has spent funds:
- Purchase of Educational Technology for Students Served by LEA - $420,000.00
- Providing Mental Health Services and Supports - $200,000
- Planning & Implementing Activities Related to Summer Learning/Supplemental Afterschool Programs - $250,000.00
- Other Activities Necessary to Maintain the Operation/Continuity of Services in the LEA - $100,000
- Administering and Using High-Quality Assessments - $50,000
- Implementing Evidence-Based Activities - $500,000
- Monitor Student Academic Progress to Identify Students Who Need More Help - $120,000
- Upgrade Projects to Improve the Indoor Air Quality - $800,000